The file vectors feature is still in beta. Please contact the team at [email protected] if you have any issues.

Query file vectors for a given groupId


import { PinataSDK } from "pinata";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!,
  pinataGateway: "",

const update = await pinata.files.private.queryVectors({
  groupId: "52681e41-86f4-407b-8f79-33a7e7e5df68",
  query: "Hello World"


type VectorizeQueryResponse = {
	count: number;
	matches: VectorQueryMatch[];

type VectorQueryMatch = {
	file_id: string;
	cid: string;
	score: number;

// If using returnFile

type GetCIDResponse = {
  data?: JSON | string | Blob | null;
  contentType: ContentType;



  • Type: string

ID of the target group to query vectors

const results = await pinata.files.private.queryVectors({
  groupId: "52681e41-86f4-407b-8f79-33a7e7e5df68",
  query: "Hello World"


  • Type: string

Query string

const results = await pinata.files.private.queryVectors({
  groupId: "52681e41-86f4-407b-8f79-33a7e7e5df68",
  query: "Hello World"

returnFile (Optional)

  • Type: boolean

Return the top matched file itself if set to true

const { data, contentType }  = await pinata.files.private.queryVectors({
  groupId: "52681e41-86f4-407b-8f79-33a7e7e5df68",
  query: "Hello World",
  returnFile: true