Create a signed upload URL for a file upload. This method is ideal when you want to authorize server side but upload on the client; check out this doc for more details.

All the information about the upload such as the name, group, keyvalues, etc. must be part of the signed URL in order for those values to go through. If you have a basic signed URL with no extra parameters and then try to add fields like name, group, etc. they will not go through.


import { PinataSDK } from "pinata";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!,
  pinataGateway: "",

const signedURL = await pinata.upload.public
    expires: 30

const upload = await pinata.upload.public


  • Type: string

The full signed URL<SIGNATURE>



  • Type: number

The number of seconds the signed URL should be valid for

const url = await pinata.upload.public.createSignedURL({
	expires: 30,

name (Optional)

  • Type: string

Name for the file to be uploaded

const url = await pinata.upload.public.createSignedURL({
	expires: 30,
	name: "My Cool File"

groupId (Optional)

  • Type: string

The target groupId the file would be uploaded to

const url = await pinata.upload.public.createSignedURL({
	expires: 30,
	groupId: "ad4bc3bf-8794-49e7-94ff-fea1ce745779"

keyvalues (Optional)

  • Type: Record<string, string>

Keyvalue pairs for the uploaded file

const url = await pinata.upload.public.createSignedURL({
	expires: 30,
	keyvalues: {
	  env: "prod"

date (Optional)

  • Type: number

A UNIX timestamp of the date a URL is signed

const date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
//date: 1724943711

const url = await pinata.upload.public.createSignedURL({
	expires: 30,
	date: date