IPFS Pinning by CID
List Pin By CID Jobs
List all currently running pinByHash jobs
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
Values include ASC or DESC
Filter by the status of the job in the pinning queue
Available options:
, retrieving
, expired
, over_free_limit
, over_max_size
, invalid_object
, bad_host_node
CID of the file to be pinned
Number of jobs to return. Default is 5 and 1000 is the maximum
Provide the record offset for records being returned. This is how you retrieve records on additional pages (default is 0)
200 - application/json
count: (this is the total number of pin job records that exist for the query filters you passed in),
rows: [
id: (the id for the pin job record),
ipfs_pin_hash: (the IPFS multi-hash for the content you pinned),
date_queued: (The date this hash was initially queued to be pinned - represented in ISO 8601 format),
status: (The current status for the pin job),
name: (If you passed in a name for your hash, it will be listed here),
keyvalues: (If you passed in keyvalues for your hash, they will be listed here),
host_nodes: (If you provided host nodes for your hash, they will be listed here),
pin_policy: Once this content has been found, this is the pin policy that will be used for replications
same record format as above