1. Install and Setup SDK

In the root of your project run the install command with your package manager of choice.

Import and initialize the SDK in your codebase with the API key and Gateway from the previous step

import { PinataSDK } from "pinata-web3";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: "PINATA_JWT",
  pinataGateway: "example-gateway.mypinata.cloud",
The PINATA_JWT is a secret key, be sure to initialize the SDK in a secure environment and practice basic variable security practices. If you need to upload from a client environment, consider using signed JWTs

2. Upload a File

Use the upload method to upload a File object.

You should get a response object like the one below

  IpfsHash: "bafkreibm6jg3ux5qumhcn2b3flc3tyu6dmlb4xa7u5bf44yegnrjhc4yeq",
  PinSize: 20,
  Timestamp: "2024-02-03T18:42:14.989Z"

The IpfsHash is more commonly recognized as the CID, both a hash verifying the content’s authenticity but also it serves as the address to the file.

3. Retrieve a File from IPFS

Use the CID or IpfsHash from the upload to fetch a file

What’s Next?

Ready to see more of what Pinata has to offer? Here are some additional features and concepts to help you get the most out of our platform: