The Private IPFS API and IPFS API have variying limits that users should be aware of.

API Limits

API rate limits on both the Private IPFS API and IPFS API are currently determined by plan type:

PlanRate Limit
Free60 requests per minute
Picnic250 requests per minute
Fiesta500 requests per minute


The following API calls have increased rate limits:

File Restrictions

HTML files can be uploaded on any plan, but can only be retrieved through a Dedicated Gateway with a Custom Domain.

Binary files are only allowed on a case by case basis, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Gateway Rate Limits

At this time there are currently no rate limits for users retrieving content from a dedicated gateway.

Upload Size Limits

There differing limits on file sizes between the Private IPFS API and IPFS API

Private IPFS API

Files that are over 100MB will require using resumable uploads to complete. If you are using the SDK and the method upload.file() this will be handled automatically.

Beyond 100MB the max file size is 25GB at this time.


While the upload limit is 25GB we would recommend only uploading up to 15GB per file/folder for reliability reasons. We can try to assist uploads 15GB-25GB but we cannot guarantee success at this time.

There is no aggregate limit for uploads, but each individual upload (whether it is a file or a folder) is limited to 25 GB.

There is also a file limit size of 10MB for the pinJSONToIPFS API endpoint.