Private Groups allow you to organize your Pinata content through the Pinata App, SDK, or API, giving you a clearer picture of what your files are being used for.


With the SDK, you can create groups, add files to groups, list details about a group, and more! You can also mange groups using the API.

Create a Group

To create a group you can use the create method and passing in the name you want to give a group.

import { PinataSDK } from "pinata";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!,
  pinataGateway: "",

const group = await pinata.groups.public.create({
	name: "My New Group",

This will return the Group info

  id: "01919976-955f-7d06-bd59-72e80743fb95",
  name: "Test Private Group",
  created_at: "2024-08-28T14:49:31.246596Z"

Add or Remove Files from a Group

There are two ways you can add files to a group. The first is to add the file to a group on upload.

const upload = await pinata.upload.public

Another option is to add files after the fact using the addFiles method.

const upload = await pinata.groups.public.addFiles({
  groupId: "b07da1ff-efa4-49af-bdea-9d95d8881103",
  files: [

Removing files can be done the exact same way with the removeFiles method.

const upload = await pinata.groups.public.removeFiles({
  groupId: "b07da1ff-efa4-49af-bdea-9d95d8881103",
  files: [

Get a Group

To fetch details of an already existing group you can use the get and pass in the groupId.

const groups = await pinata.groups.public.get({
	groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0",

This will return the same group info received upon creation.

  id: "0191997b-ca28-79e8-9dbc-a8044ad3e547",
  name: "My New Group 5",
  created_at: "2024-08-28T14:55:12.448504Z",

List All Groups

If you want to get all Groups or filter through them, you can use the list method.

const groups = await pinata.groups.public.list()

Results can be filtered with the following queries.


  • Type: boolean

Filters groups based on the group name

const groups = await pinata.groups.public


  • Type: number

Limits the number of results

const groups = await pinata.groups.public

This will return an array of Groups and their respective info:

  groups: [
      id: "0191997b-ca28-79e8-9dbc-a8044ad3e547",
      name: "My New Group 5",
      created_at: "2024-08-28T14:55:12.448504Z",
  next_page_token: "MDE5MWIzNGMtMWNmNy03MzExLThmMjYtZmZlZDMzYTVlY"

Updating a Group

You can update the name of a group using either the SDK or the API.

const groups = await pinata.groups.public.update({
	groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0",
	name: "My New Group 2",

This will return the updated Group info.

  id: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0",
  name: "My New Group 2",
  created_at: "2024-08-28T20:58:46.96779Z"

Delete a Group

Deleting a Group that has CIDs inside of it will not unpin/delete the files. Please use the delete method to actually delete a file from your account

To delete a Group you can use the delete method and pass in the groupId.

const groups = await pinata.groups.public.delete({
	groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0",

If successful the endpoint will return an OK response.