To list the files on your account you can either use the SDK or the Pinata API to fetch file data programatically.

import { PinataSDK } from "pinata";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!,
  pinataGateway: "",

const files = await pinata.files.list()

This will return an array of file objects

    id: "dd5f8888-bf15-4559-b8a2-6c626869507f",
    name: "Hello Files API",
    cid: "bafybeifq444z4b7yqzcyz4a5gspb2rpyfcdxp3mrfpigmllh52ld5tyzwm",
    size: 4861678,
    number_of_files: 1,
    mime_type: "TODO",
    group_id: null,
    created_at: "2024-08-27T14:57:51.485934Z",
    id: "e2057aa3-7b6c-4a45-b785-12ba297bcbd0",
    name: "Quickstart.png",
    cid: "bafkreiebavn2jzkqh3ehy4pkqkdi2otnho6gbcffkeqnunk2lw5nmnwaea",
    size: 223548,
    number_of_files: 1,
    mime_type: "TODO",
    group_id: "5f8adce6-7312-46e0-90f7-13896bed297d",
    created_at: "2024-08-28T23:46:07.823118Z",
    id: "ac5308a1-de49-40a3-9f5c-d20f1bb6206d",
    name: "hello.txt",
    cid: "bafkreiffsgtnic7uebaeuaixgph3pmmq2ywglpylzwrswv5so7m23hyuny",
    size: 11,
    number_of_files: 1,
    mime_type: "TODO",
    group_id: null,
    created_at: "2024-08-29T02:23:02.735018Z",


When listing files there a few ways you can filter the results


  • Type: number

Limit the number of results

const files = await pinata.files


  • Type: boolean

Filters results and only returns files where cid is still pending

const files = await pinata.files

Auto Paginate

The list method has an auto pagination feature that is triggered when used inside a for await iterator

for await (const item of pinata.files.list() {

Works like magic ✨