Farcaster Topics

Hubble — @Sanjay, @wazzymandias, @sds

  • Number of nodes up to 11,000+.
    • As of June 2nd there were only 2-3K hubs.
    • Still unknown if these are fake, but from what has been gathered they are legitimate, probably people following tutorials hoping for an airdrop
  • Experiencing gossip flooding — v1.13.5 is out with fixes.
    • Path helps with a DDOS effect on hubs due to massive growth
  • Network divergence — new force sync to allow easy catchup, reachout if affected.
    • Should fix some of the issues we saw last week with Warpcast and Neynar
    • Hub owners have the option of doing a re-sync to help as well
  • Link defragmentation — can potentially cause sync issues, being tracked
    • Change had a side effect where reading event of deleting 9K links which caused some delays with Warpcast, fix will go to Hubs as well
  • Warpcast Sync Status — status.warpcast.com (trending up, targeting 1 min max delays)
    • Things seem to be stabilizing well

Storage Reduction - @wazzymandias

  • Hub size is 130 GB+, like 500GB in 6-12 months.
    • Team feels comfortable going 10x
    • After 10x we will see problems, looking into solutions now
    • Proposed FIP — reduce storage unit size by 20% keep cost the same.

Composer Actions — @deodad, @horsefacts

Programmable Direct Casts — @v

  • Usage growing slower than expected (20 unique senders, 5k messages per day).
  • DC quality also moderate — some interesting apps, but few and far between.
  • Planning to wait and see if there is more usage or uptake before we decentralized further.
  • If you have a strong use case but you haven’t been able to because something isn’t unlocked on Warpcast, let @v know to help prioritization.

Decentralized Channels — @dwr

  • Update on channel decentralization

Warpcast Updates

Feed Improvements — @akshaan, @cmlad.eth, @piril

  • Keyword muting
  • Spam detection & priority mode
    • Priority mode was a temporary measure while better spam detection was built. With better spam detection you will see the replies, then a button to see other replies that appeared to be spam
    • Report casts is more effective and you will get a DC if the spam was confirmed and taken care of
    • Still an active pursuit and will take time to get right