Farcaster Topics

Hubble — @Sanjay, @wazzymandias, @sds, @cassie

  • Number of nodes down to 10k, plans to reduce further
    • Trying to filter out bad hubs, using tactics like an acknowledgment that there are no rewards
  • Hub divergence — working on a series of smaller issues.
  • Warpcast Sync Status — status.warpcast.com (healthy for 7+ days)
    • Shows how well Warpcast is writing messages to hubs and how well its reading messages from other hubs

Storage Reduction - @wazzymandias

  • On pause, exploring options
    • Still important but not as important as sync issues which are actively affecting people
    • Might address in next dev call

Frames + Action + Documentation — @deodad, @horsefacts

  • Composer actions on web
    • Join the Dev Chat if you’re interested in launching a composer action
  • Frame signatures
    • Join the Dev Chat if you’re interested in using signatures in frames as they continue to test these

Warpcast Updates

NUX Improvements — @akshaan, @cmlad.eth, @blockheim

  • Working on algo recommended feed instead of auto follow
    • Instead of proposing a set of users there will be some experiments with an algo feed that takes the most interesting content first and continues to fine tune it.
    • Content is primarily curated by Warpcast team on what content is most interesting
    • Opens up the ability for users to get featured outside the exclusive list before
  • Improvements to signup flow

Feed Improvements — @akshaan

  • Improvements to spam detection

DC Improvements — @gt, @gabrielayuso.eth

  • Performance and feature improvements
    • Monitoring performance on DCs similar to hubs
    • Much better performance in the last 30 days
    • Closer the team gets to top performance the closer they can start opening APIs as well