These methods can be used to create casts, react to them, or even follow users. All of them require a signerId which is a result of using Farcaster Auth, as well as the PinataFDK initialization with a Pinata JWT.

All of these methods also return the same response, which is the direct response from the Pinata Hub.

type CastResponse = {
  data: {
    type: string;
    fid: number;
    timestamp: number;
    network: string;
    castAddBody: {
      embedsDeprecated: any[];
      mentions: any[];
      text: string;
      mentionsPositions: any[];
      embeds: any[];
  hash: string;
  hashScheme: string;
  signature: string;
  signatureScheme: string;
  signer: string;
  dataBytes: string;


With the sendCast method you can effortlessly post to Farcaster using a signerId.


type CastRequest = {
  signerId: string;
  castAddBody: CastBody;

type CastBody = {
  embedsDeprecated?: string[];
  mentions?: number[];
  parentCastId?: CastId | null;
  parentUrl?: string | null;
  text?: string | null;
  mentionsPositions?: number[] | null;
  embeds?: Embed[] | null;

type CastId = {
  fid: number;
  hash: string;

type Embed = {
  url?: string | null;
  castId?: CastId | null;


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const res: CastResponse = await fdk.sendCast({
  castAddBody: {
    text: "Hello World from  !",
    mentions: [6023],
    mentionsPositions: [18],
    parentUrl: "",
    embeds: [
        url: ""
        castId: {
          fid: 6023
          hash: "0xcae8abd9badbb60c9b610ec264f42ed9f1785c6f",
    parentCastId: {
      fid: 6023,
      hash: "0xcae8abd9badbb60c9b610ec264f42ed9f1785c6f"
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1"


This method can delete a cast with a provided target hash.


  • hash - Target hash of the cast that needs to be deleted
  • signerId - Signer for the cast
type CastDelete = {
  hash: string;
  signerId: string;


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const deleteReq: CastResponse = await fdk.deleteCast({
  hash: "0x490889854a4f3233433b1ad0560f016f04feeeff",
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",


This method can like a cast based on the provided target hash.


  • hash - Hash of the target cast to be liked
  • signerId - Signer of the user liking the cast
type LikeCast = {
  hash: string,
  signerId: string


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const likeReq: CastResponse = await fdk.likeCast({
  hash: "0x490889854a4f3233433b1ad0560f016f04feeeff",
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",


If a cast is already liked by the user, this method will unlike it.


  • hash - Hash of the target cast to be unliked
  • signerId - Signer of the user unliking the cast
type LikeCast = {
  hash: string,
  signerId: string


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const unlikeReq: CastResponse = await fdk.unlikeCast({
  hash: "0x490889854a4f3233433b1ad0560f016f04feeeff",
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",


This method will recast a cast based on the target hash.


  • hash - Hash of the target cast to be recast
  • signerId - Signer of the user recasting target cast
type RecastCast = {
  hash: string;
  signerId: string;


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const recastCastReq: CastResponse = await fdk.recastCast({
  hash: "0x490889854a4f3233433b1ad0560f016f04feeeff",
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",


Works just like recastCast but removes an existing recast based on a hash of the target cast.


  • hash - Hash of the target cast to remove recast
  • signerId - Signer of the user removing the recast
type RecastCast = {
  hash: string;
  signerId: string;


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const removeRecastReq: CastResponse = await fdk.removeRecast({
  hash: "0x490889854a4f3233433b1ad0560f016f04feeeff",
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",


Follows a target user based on their FID.


  • fid - The FID of the target user to follow
  • signerId - The signer for the user following the target user
type FollowUser = {
  fid: number;
  signerId: string;


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const followUserReq: CastResponse = await fdk.followUser({
  fid: 6023,
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",


Unfollows a user that the signer is already following.


  • fid - The FID of the target user to unfollow
  • signerId - The signer for the user unfollowing the target user
type FollowUser = {
  fid: number;
  signerId: string;


import { CastResponse, PinataFDK } from "pinata-fdk";

const fdk = new PinataFDK({
  pinata_jwt: `${process.env.PINATA_JWT}`,
  pinata_gateway: "",

const unfollowUserReq: CastResponse = await fdk.unfollowUser({
  fid: 6023,
  signerId: "ba2d9f6d-7514-4967-8b52-5a040b7da4a1",