The Hot Swaps plugin can be used to “redirect” a CID to another CID. This can be useful when you need to replace content without updaing the CID hash. What makes this unique from just replacing content is that every swap is recorded and is available as a history. Combine that with the content addressable nature of CIDs and you get a version history of content.

To demonstrate how this plugin works, consider the following example:

import { PinataSDK } from "pinata";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!,
  pinataGateway: "", // Gateway has Hot Swaps installed

async function main() {
  try {
    // Upload the first file
    const file = new File(["The original CID"], "cid.txt", {
      type: "text/plain",
    const { cid: CID1 } = await pinata.upload.file(file);
    console.log("This is the original CID hash: ", CID1);

    // Upload a second file
    const file2 = new File(["The new CID"], "cid.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
    const { cid: CID2 } = await pinata.upload.file(file2);
    console.log("This is the new CID hash: ", CID2);

    // Create the swap, so when we visit CID1 we will get the content of CID2
    const swap = await pinata.files.addSwap({
      cid: CID1,
      swapCid: CID2,
    console.log("Swap created: ", swap);

    // Fetch CID1 through our gateway that has Hot Swaps installed, get the content of CID2
    const data = await pinata.gateways.get(CID1);
    console.log("Result of requestingt CID1 through the gateway: ", data);
  } catch (error) {



To install a plugin navigate to the Plugins Marketplace tab on the right side.

Once there you can find the plugin you want to install and click “Install.” This will bring up a drop down of your Gateways to choose which the plugin is installed to.

Once installed you can confirm its there by going to the “My Plugins” tab.


After installing the plugin you can then make CID swaps and have them reflect when making Gateway requests. The first parameter cid will be the original CID, and swapCid will be the content you want it to point to instead.

import { PinataSDK } from "pinata";

const pinata = new PinataSDK({
  pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!,
  pinataGateway: "",

const swap = await pinata.files.addSwap({
  cid: "bafkreibbvdqf5ekc2crouowv7vtjbcmbjoiysegslmmqc6jrxbaa43xske",
  swapCid: "bafkreihumyr3bgxulu45ghws33xokwjm5o7xnkkgakaz66ldtylwiecnhu"

You can fetch the history of CID swaps using the getSwapHistory method, passing in the cid of the original CID and the domain of the gateway that has the Hot Swaps plugin installed.

const history = await pinata.files.getSwapHistory({
  cid: "bafkreibbvdqf5ekc2crouowv7vtjbcmbjoiysegslmmqc6jrxbaa43xske",
  domain: ""

// [
//   {
//     mapped_cid: "bafkreihumyr3bgxulu45ghws33xokwjm5o7xnkkgakaz66ldtylwiecnhu",
//     created_at: "2024-08-19T14:34:46.492432Z"
//   },
//   { mapped_cid: null, created_at: "2024-08-19T14:25:10.208726Z" },
//   {
//     mapped_cid: "bafkreihumyr3bgxulu45ghws33xokwjm5o7xnkkgakaz66ldtylwiecnhu",
//     created_at: "2024-08-19T00:23:41.755206Z"
//   }
// ]

To delete a CID swap you can simply use the deleteSwap method and pass in the CID.

const deleteSwap = await pinata.gateways.deleteSwap(
// OK