Pinata has been at the forefront of IPFS since 2018, starting as a humble startup in Omaha Nebraska and growing to become the biggest IPFS provider in the Web3 space. Over the years we have helped empower builders and creators alike with NFTs and Web3 infrastructure with IPFS access through our APIs and SDKs, as well as making IPFS fast with Dedicated Gateways.

Fast and Reliable

With our years of experience we have been able to scale a mass network of global IPFS nodes to provide fast and reliable service to over 300,000 users!

Developer Focused

Pinata puts focus on the developer experience with our easy to use API and SDKs to make sure you can jump into IPFS without any issues. Want to see how easy it is? Jump to Getting Started now!

Blazing Fast Dedicated Gateways

IPFS has a reputation for being slow, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Our Dedicated Gateways make retrieving content from IPFS blazing fast with 200 edge cache locations around the world. Whether you’re building an NFT marketplace or a decentralized app, we’ll get you the speed while keeping your gateway secure. Sign up on our free plan to check it out now!

Top-Notch Customer Service

Pinata has always valued our user’s feedback and making sure we are building for them, and not the other way around. Whether you are just trying out Pinata for the first time or you’ve been with us for years, you can always trust us to be responsive and attentive to make sure your experience is flawless. Have a question right now? Visit the main Pinata App and click on the chat bubble in the bottom right, or shoot us an email!

Industry Trusted

Don’t take our word for it, here’s what our customers have to say!

“The Pinata team is amazing to work with. Features we talk about are quickly prioritized to launch which allows us to also build quickly. They provide us with awesome support.”

Karik Patel, Head of Partner Engineering at OpenSea

“It was super easy to connect Pinata with our platform. They bring more utility and features that help everyone create new experiences and their technology is always evolving with the needs of everyone in the space.”

Jordan Aitali, COO and Co-Founder at Niftables

“Pinata has eliminated all the complication of hosting content on IPFS which lets us develop things faster with more confidence. Using their APIs is as easy as developing in the web2 world with all the benefits that hosting content on IPFS provides. Our customers love being able to have custom NFT images which Pinata makes easy so we can focus on delivering best-in-class loyalty programs.”

Danny Franklin, KAZM CTO/Co-founder

More Customer Stories

We’re so glad you’re here and we can’t wait to see what you build with Pinata!

Getting Started

Not sure what to do now? Check out our Quickstart guide to jump into our API, or peek at our API Reference if you know what you’re looking for, or try out npx create-pinata-app in your terminal!

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